Requests that are made to virtual directory '{1}' will fail because the user '{0}' does not have read permissions to the physical path for this virtual directory. Are you sure that you want to use these path credentials?
Requests a reset of the LogicalDevice. The return value should be 0 if the request was successfully executed, 1 if the request ...
Requests a shutdown of the operating system. The return value should be 0 if the request was successfully executed, 1 if ...
requests Maximum number of requests an application pool can process before it is recycled. A value of 0 means the application ...
Requests must use one of the selected cryptographic service providers (CSPs). If no CSPs are selected, requests use any one ...
Requests that are made to virtual directory '{1}' will fail because the user '{0}' does not have read permissions to the ...
Requests that the Device capture its current configuration, setup and/or state information in a backing store. This is handled ...
Requests that the Device re-establish its configuration, setup and/or state information from a backing store. This is handled ...
Requests that the element's state be changed to the value specified in the RequestedState parameter. When the requested state ...
Requests that the fan speed be set to the value specified in the method's input parameter. The return value should be 0 if ...