Specifies whether Terminal Services uses the specified network path for roaming user profiles. You can use this setting to ...

"Specifies whether Terminal Services uses the specified network path for roaming user profiles. 

You can use this setting to specify a network share where the profiles are stored, allowing users to access the same profile for sessions on all terminal servers in the same organizational unit. By default, Terminal Services stores all user profiles locally on the terminal server. 

To use this setting, type the path to the network share in the form \\Computername\Sharename. Do not specify a placeholder for user alias, because Terminal Services automatically appends this at logon. If the specified network share does not exist, Terminal Services displays an error message at the server and stores the user profiles locally. 

If the status is set to Enabled, Terminal Services uses the specified path as the root directory for all user profiles. The profiles themselves are contained in subdirectories named for the alias of each user. 

If the status is set to Disabled or Not Configured, user profiles are stored locally on the server, unless specified otherwise by the server administrator. 

Note: The roaming profiles specified with this setting apply to Terminal Services connections only; a user might also have a Windows roaming profile, in which case the Terminal Services roaming profile always takes precedence in a Terminal Services session."
English (United States)