This class represents the association between an operating system and the autochk settings that apply to the disks on the machine.Note that the setting is associated to operating system rather than computer system since there can be one or more operating systems installed on the machine, each with its own autochk settings.
This class exposes port information operations that can be determined from the adapter. There should be one instance of this ...
This class exposes statistical information associated with a Fibre Channel port. There should be one instance of this class ...
This class extends LogicalElement to abstract the concept of an element that is enabled and disabled, such as a LogicalDevice ...
This class represents an association between a managed system element collection and the class representing statistical information ...
This class represents the association between an operating system and the autochk settings that apply to the disks on the ...
This class represents the directory layout for the product. Each instance of the class represents a directory in both the ...
This class represents the settings for the autochk operation for a disk. The setting applies to all disks on the computer ...
This class specifies information needed to check a particular setting file for a specific entry that contains a value that ...
This class specifies the information to be used to modify a particular setting file for a specific entry with a specific ...