wusa ? | /h | /help> wusa[/quiet] [/norestart | /warnrestart: | /promptrestart | /forcerestart] [/log: ] wusa /uninstall [/quiet] [/norestart | /warnrestart: | /promptrestart | /forcerestart] [/log: ] wusa /uninstall /kb: [/norestart | /warnrestart: | /promptrestart | /forcerestart] [/log: ] /?, /h, /help - Display help information. update - Full path of the MSU file. /quiet - Quiet mode, no user interaction. Reboot as needed. /uninstall - Installer will uninstall the package. /kb - When combined with /uninstall, installer will uninstall the package associated with the KB number. /norestart - When combined with /quiet, installer will NOT initiate reboot. /warnrestart - When combined with /quiet, installer will warn the user before initiating reboot. /promptrestart - When combined with /quiet, installer will prompt before initiating reboot. /forcerestart - When combined with /quiet, installer will forcefully close applications and initiate reboot. /log - Installer will enable logging.
WS_SECURITY_ALGORITHM_SUITE' property structure does not support specifying properties ('properties' field must be NULL and ...
WS_SECURITY_BINDING_PROPERTY_CERT_FAILURES_TO_IGNORE does not support '%1'. It must be set to one or multiple values of WS_CERT_FAILURE. ...
WS_SECURITY_CONTEXT_MESSAGE_SECURITY_BINDING' security binding structure must have a valid bootstrap security description. ...
wusa wusa /quiet /norestart | /warnrestart: | /promptrestart | /forcerestart /log: wusa /uninstall /quiet /norestart | /warnrestart: ...
WWAJSE report submitted with parameters 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: . (PID: . Process Creation Time: . App Binary Path: .) Report Id: ...
x : %s Advanced help for this problem is available on http://support.microsoft.com. Query for "troubleshooting 1202 events". ...
x : %s Advanced help for this problem is available on http://support.microsoft.com. Query for "troubleshooting 1202 events". ...
XACT_E_LRMRECOVERYALREADYDONE : Either the ILastResourceManager::TransactionOutcome or ILastResourceManager::LRMRecoveryDone ...