You do not have the necessary {0} installed to complete this operation. We recommend downloading and installing the {0} 64-bit from {1}. This will enable registering Oracle Database data sources using this tool and will enable connecting to these data sources using Microsoft Excel.{4}{4}You may also download and install the {2} from {3}. This will enable registering Oracle Database data sources using this tool but will not enable connecting to these data sources using Microsoft Excel.
You are currently logged in as {0}. An Azure Data Catalog has been created for this domain, but does not have any catalog ...
You are currently logged in as {0}. An Azure Data Catalog has been created for this domain, but is not enabled. Please contact ...
You are currently logged in as {0}. This account does not have permission to access Azure Data Catalog. You can log out and ...
You do not have required 'Microsoft SQL Server 2012 ADOMD.NET' installed to use the Analysis Services provider. We recommend ...
You do not have the necessary {0} installed to complete this operation. We recommend downloading and installing the {0} 64-bit ...
You do not have the necessary {0} installed to complete this operation. We recommend downloading and installing the {0} from ...
You do not have the necessary {0} installed to complete this operation. We recommend downloading and installing the {0} from ...
You don't have sufficient permissions on this storage account to use it for sample deployment. You need to be an owner or ...
You have an Azure Data Catalog, but so far no one has registered any data sources. You can get started by registering data ...