Changes timezone information to on the datetimezone value {0} to the new timezone information provided by {1} and optionally {2}. If {0} does not have a timezone component, an exception is thrown.
Changes the dimensional granularity of the filter context for the cube by collapsing the attributes mapped to the specified ...
Changes the dimensional granularity of the filter context for the {0} by collapsing the attributes mapped to the specified ...
Changes timezone information of the datetime value {0} to the UTC or Universal Time timezone information. If {0} does not ...
Changes timezone information of the datetimezone value {0} to the local timezone information. If {0} does not have a timezone ...
Changes timezone information to on the datetimezone value {0} to the new timezone information provided by {1} and optionally ...
Changing the report parameters or data sources to the values you specified is not allowed. The report is configured to run ...
Character {0} ({1}) of the intersectionPatternMatrix argument to STRelate is not valid. This argument must only contain the ...
Check out this app for business intelligence it runs both on desktop and mobile devices. I've created interactive real-time ...
Check the cache settings in the PowerPivot service application configuration pages to verify that data is not transitioning ...