Proxy Connections Total is the total number of proxy connections that have been opened since the POP service was started.
Provision Commands/sec is the number of Provision commands that are processed each second. The server uses this command to ...
Provisioning Agent {0} is has invalid configuration. Please reinstall agent using 'Uninstall-ProvisioningAgent' and 'Install-ProvisioningAgent' ...
Provisioning Agent {0} is registered twice. Please remove duplicate registration using 'Uninstall-ProvisioningAgent' cmdlet. ...
Proxy Connections Total is the total number of proxy connections that have been opened since the IMAP4 service was started. ...
Proxy Connections Total is the total number of proxy connections that have been opened since the POP service was started. ...
Proxy Logon Commands Sent Total is the total number of proxy logon commands that were sent from this server to another server. ...
Proxy Logon Received Total is the number of ProxyLogon commands that have been received by this server from another server ...
Proxy Request Bytes is the total number of HTTP header and content bytes in requests that have been proxied since the process ...
Proxy Response Bytes is the total number of HTTP header and content bytes in responses that have been proxied since the process ...