%1!s! [ mode = ] ENABLE|DISABLE [ [ profile = ] CURRENT|DOMAIN|STANDARD|ALL ] Sets firewall multicast/broadcast response configuration. Parameters: mode - Multicast/broadcast response mode. ENABLE - Allow responses to multicast/broadcast traffic through the firewall. DISABLE - Do not allow responses to multicast/broadcast traffic through the firewall. profile - Configuration profile (optional). CURRENT - Applies to the active profile. Active profile can be domain, standard (i.e. private), or public. (default). DOMAIN - Applies to the domain profile. STANDARD - Applies to the standard (i.e. private) profile. ALL - Applies to the domain and standard (i.e. private) profile. Does not apply to the public profile. Examples: %1!s! ENABLE %1!s! mode=DISABLE
s! mode = ALLOW|DENY Specifies whether the Remote Access server will allow IP to be configured for any client connections ...
s! mode = ALLOW|DENY Specifies whether the Remote Access server will allow IPv6 to be configured for any client connections ...
s! mode = ENABLED|DISABLED Specifies whether to enable or disable broadcast name resolution using NetBIOS over TCP/IP. mode ...
s! mode = ENABLE|DISABLE exceptions = ENABLE|DISABLE profile = CURRENT|DOMAIN|STANDARD|ALL Sets firewall operational configuration. ...
s! mode = ENABLE|DISABLE profile = CURRENT|DOMAIN|STANDARD|ALL Sets firewall multicast/broadcast response configuration. ...
s! mode = ENABLE|DISABLE profile = CURRENT|DOMAIN|STANDARD|ALL Sets firewall notification configuration. Parameters: mode ...
s! mode = STANDARD|NODCC|BYPASS Sets the mode that determines whether and when dialin clients should be authenticated. mode ...
s! mode = { 0 | 1 } Sets the current mode to the following values: 0: Standalone CAs only 1: Enterprise and Standalone CAs. ...
s! name = name address = address state = ENABLE|DISABLE sharedsecret = sharedsecret requireauthattrib = YES|NO napcompatible ...