Could not track the restore operation for database ‘{0}'. However, the restore operation may still be in progress. In this case, the database you are restoring will appear in the databases list. If it does not appear in the list, submit a new restore request for this database.
Could not start the deletion of volume container '{0}'. Please retry this operation. If the problem persists, contact Microsoft ...
Could not start the deletion of {1} '{0}'. Please retry this operation. If the problem persists, contact Microsoft Support. ...
Could not start the modification of {0} '{1}'. Please retry this operation. If the problem persists, contact Microsoft Support. ...
Could not start the process to add the virtual device '{0}'. Please try again. If the problem persists, contact Microsoft ...
Could not track the restore operation for database {0}'. However, the restore operation may still be in progress. In this ...
Could not update the backup policy '{0}'. Please retry this operation. If the problem persists, contact Microsoft Support. ...
Could not update the configuration for device {0}. Please retry this operation. If the problem persists, contact Microsoft ...
Could not upgrade the application and service at this time. The subscription might not be eligible for the Marketplace. Please ...
Could not validate the Domain URL. The Domain URL must be in a proper URL format and must be a string that contains fewer ...