Displays or modifies the checking of disk at boot time. CHKNTFS volume [...] CHKNTFS /D CHKNTFS /T[:time] CHKNTFS /X volume [...] CHKNTFS /C volume [...] volume Specifies the drive letter (followed by a colon), mount point, or volume name. /D Restores the machine to the default behavior; all drives are checked at boot time and chkdsk is run on those that are dirty. /T:time Changes the AUTOCHK initiation countdown time to the specified amount of time in seconds. If time is not specified, displays the current setting. /X Excludes a drive from the default boot-time check. Excluded drives are not accumulated between command invocations. /C Schedules a drive to be checked at boot time; chkdsk will run if the drive is dirty. If no switches are specified, CHKNTFS will display if the specified drive is dirty or scheduled to be checked on next reboot.
Displays or changes file attributes. ATTRIB +R | -R +A | -A +S | -S +H | -H +I | -I drive:][path][filename /S /D /L + Sets ...
Displays or modifies file extension associations ASSOC .ext[=[fileType .ext Specifies the file extension to associate the ...
Displays or modifies file types used in file extension associations FTYPE fileType[=[openCommandString fileType Specifies ...
Displays or modifies permissions (ACLS) of an Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) Object DSACLS object /I:TSP /N /P:YN ...
Displays or modifies the checking of disk at boot time. CHKNTFS volume . CHKNTFS /D CHKNTFS /T[:time CHKNTFS /X volume . ...
Displays or sets a search path for executable files. PATH drive:]path[;.][;%PATH% PATH ; Type PATH ; to clear all search-path ...
Displays or sets the active code page number. CHCP nnn nnn Specifies a code page number. Type CHCP without a parameter to ...
Displays or sets the date. DATE /T | date Type DATE without parameters to display the current date setting and a prompt for ...
Displays or sets the SAN policy for the operating system. Syntax: SAN POLICY={OnlineAll | OfflineAll | OfflineShared} NOERR ...