Reconciles DHCP server database for the specified scopes. If the cmdlet is invoked with ?ReportOnly switch, it will return the array of IP records which have inconsistencies in the DHCP server database. The cmdlet will have the alias ? Reconcile-DhcpServerv4IPRecord.
Receives trap messages generated by local or remote Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) agents and forwards the messages ...
Recent attempts to back up this computer were not successful. You should consider starting a backup now. If you do not back ...
recommends that you stop this installation now and contact the hardware vendor for software that has passed Windows Logo ...
recommends that you stop this installation now and contact the software vendor for software that has passed Windows Logo ...
Reconciles DHCP server database for the specified scopes. If the cmdlet is invoked with ?ReportOnly switch, it will return ...
reconciliation has completed. Volume: %4 (%3) Reconciled containers: %5 Unreconciled containers: %6 Merged containers: %7 ...
Reconfigure the server to run a Server Core installation by using Server Manager to remove the features under the User Interfaces ...
Reconfigure your network To prevent problems other computers or devices might have when connecting to your computer, no more ...
Reconnecting a differencing disk to a parent disk when the IDs don't match might corrupt the virtual hard disk file and could ...