Information: The network location for the following host has been reconfigured in VMM to make it usable for Lab Management: {0} in host group "{1}" reconfigured to "{2}".
Information Rights Management (IRM) in Microsoft Office helps prevent sensitive documents and e-mail messages from being ...
Information Rights Management (IRM) is disabled when Microsoft Windows is in safe mode. To use IRM, restart the computer ...
Information Rights Management (IRM) uses a server to authenticate the credentials of people who create or receive documents ...
Information: The host group verification was canceled by user. Some hosts may not be suitable for lab management. Select ...
Information: The network location for the following host has been reconfigured in VMM to make it usable for Lab Management: ...
Information: The network location for the host {0} in host group "{1}" has been reconfigured in VMM to make it usable for ...
inherit' cannot be used on interface types. Consider implementing the interface by using 'interface . with . end' instead. ...
inherit' declarations cannot have 'as' bindings. To access members of the base class when overriding a method, the syntax ...
Inheritable|An inheritable string property can inherit the values of the parent container (for instance, if the property ...