List '|0' with server relative URL '|1' contains list items that span |2 lines in database. The new version of SharePoint suppports only list items that span up to 255 lines.
Links are static. That is, after defined in the document, they do not update automatically if the target file specified in ...
Links in activity feeds, ratings, social tags and notes can be hidden from viewers without permissions to see them. Checking ...
Links to '|' were not updated because '|' was not recalculated before it was last saved. To update links with current values ...
link_location,friendly_name!Creates a shortcut or jump that opens a document stored on your hard drive, a network server, ...
List '|0' with server relative URL '|1' contains list items that span |2 lines in database. The new version of SharePoint ...
List an important product feature. List an important product feature. List an important product feature. List an important ...
List and form creation was canceled. Some items may have been created. You can modify these in the list summary page or restart ...
List columns have been modified since this form was last updated. If you publish this form, the fields in the form will overwrite ...
List does not exist. The page you selected contains a list that does not exist. It may have been deleted by another user. ...