This operation requires the merged cells to be identically sized. You attempted to sort a range of previously merged cells, but not all cells in the sort range were merged or are not of the same size.
This OLAP provider does not support custom grouping. Custom groups were previously defined for this PivotTable report. Do ...
This OLAP Provider does not support custom grouping. The custom group definitions will be retained in the workbook, but will ...
This operation connects to an external data source. External data sources are used to import data into Excel, but connections ...
This operation is attempting to change a filtered range on your worksheet and cannot be completed. To complete this operation, ...
This operation requires the merged cells to be identically sized. You attempted to sort a range of previously merged cells, ...
This operation will prevent you from updating the SharePoint list with any changes you have made. This operation cannot be ...
This page is not encrypted for secure communication. User names, passwords and any other information will be sent in clear ...
This Pivot Table report contains one or more calculated members defined by the PivotTable report. Cells that contain those ...
This PivotTable list could not be imported correctly by Excel and data may have been lost. If you need to work with this ...