Unable to apply a new server resource quota of {0} because site {1} is currently using {2} resources. Choose a new resource usage quota greater than {3}.
Unable to access data source, the Secure Store Target Application does not exist or is not available. Secure Store Target ...
Unable to access partitioned Business Data Connectivity Service Application from Central Administration. This partitioned ...
Unable to access web scoped feature (Id: |0) because it references a non-existent or broken web (Id: |1) on site '|2'. Exception: ...
Unable to apply a new resource usage quota of {0} because site {1} is currently using {2} resources. Choose a new resource ...
Unable to apply a new server resource quota of {0} because site {1} is currently using {2} resources. Choose a new resource ...
Unable to apply a new storage limit of {0} MB because site {1} is currently using {2} MB. Choose a new storage limit greater ...
Unable to authenticate against the Server. Please configure the SharePoint Server with Windows or Form Based Authentication, ...
Unable to call the method to process the search results. Please ensure the assembly name and class name are correctly specified. ...
Unable to change access control for this Web, because it inherits the access control of the parent Web. Please change the ...