The key does not match the indexer key. When setting the value of a specific index, the key of the desired value must match the index at which it is being set. Key on element (expected value): {0}. Key provided to indexer: {1}.
The IsReference setting for type '{0}' is '{1}', but the same setting for its parent class '{2}' is '{3}'. Derived types ...
The IssuedSecurityTokenProvider cannot support the FederatedClientCredentialsParameters. The FederatedClientCredentialsParameters ...
The ITransactionLocal interface is not supported by the '{0}' provider. Local transactions are unavailable with the current ...
The IXmlSerializable type '{0}' cannot be deserialized in partial trust because it does not have a public parameterless constructor. ...
The key does not match the indexer key. When setting the value of a specific index, the key of the desired value must match ...
The key in the image-list value that represents the image to display. when the list view item is in the unselected state. ...
The key properties of all entity types returned by the function import '{0}' must be mapped to the same non-nullable columns ...
The language for this file does not support the necessary code parsing and generation services. Please ensure the file you ...
The lazily evaluated value of type '{0}' passed to the ReflectionModelServices API as part of the argument '{1}' must not ...