Make sure that this directory is accessible to the ConfigMgr Service Account until it finishes storing the compressed version of the source files.
licenses of "%2" (ProdRef="%3") were removed from the license store on the site server but could not be added to the software ...
licenses of "%2" (ProdRef="%3") were removed from the software metering server "%4" but could not be added to the site server ...
Local license balancing has stopped until "%1" license(s) of "%2" (ProdRef="%3") are placed back into the software metering ...
Maintenance windows define times during which ConfigMgr can apply advertisements and software update deployments to computers ...
Make sure that this directory is accessible to the ConfigMgr Service Account until it finishes storing the compressed version ...
Make sure that this directory is accessible to the site server until it finishes storing the compressed version of the source ...
Make sure the first column of the prompt SQL statement contains the appropriate data for the prompt, because only that value ...
Maximum sleep time is 15 minutes. Time given in Backup Control File exceeds this limit so it is being reset to this maximum ...
Microsoft ConfigMgr 2007 Inventory Tool for Microsoft Updates requires the catalog provided from Microsoft for the scanner ...