Select the field that specifies the date and time from which the SLA items will be calculated. For example, if you select the Case Created On field, SLA calculation will begin from the time the case is created.
Select the entry point of the taxonomy that is relevant to how you file for your business. The entry points of the taxonomy ...
Select the extended data types to increase their StringSize property according to the value in the String size (recommended) ...
Select the field and data delimiters. If there is more than one file, these delimiters will be applied to all files that ...
Select the field that specifies the date and time from which the SLA items will be calculated for the case record. For example, ...
Select the field that specifies the date and time from which the SLA items will be calculated. For example, if you select ...
Select the field that will be used to detect and avoid creating duplicate external party records. When an external party ...
Select the fields that are required by any external, non-event scripts. Fields in the Dependent Fields list will not be removable ...
Select the fields that are required by the current event script. Fields in the Dependent Fields list will not be removable ...
Select the fields that are required by the IFRAME. Fields in the Dependent Fields list will not be removable from the form. ...