Always use foreign key values from the source database. (Select this option only if all values for primary key columns were generated by an application and not by the database.)
Alternative text should be brief. If describing the picture in detail will add essential information not available elsewhere ...
Although there are legitimate times to use reference parameters, such use frequently indicates a design that does not conform ...
Always Large : Specifies that the element will be displayed in the large mode (for the elements that has small and large ...
Always Use Fallback Location : Indicates that browsing database and IntelliSense files should always be stored in your 'Fallback ...
Always use foreign key values from the source database. (Select this option only if all values for primary key columns were ...
Ambiguous construct. An 'item' having a repeat count where the minimum and maximum value are different cannot contain only ...
Ambiguous reference in cref attribute: '%1!ls!'. Assuming '%2!ls!', but could have also matched other overloads including ...
Ambiguous type reference. A type named '{0}' occurs in at least two namespaces, '{1}' and '{2}'. Consider adjusting the assembly ...
An 'Import' of the file '{1}' was found in the project file '{0}'. This file is not registered as a safe file to import, ...