If the Maximum Rows property is set to 0, cross-validation uses all the rows in the data set. Therefore, the time needed to perform cross-validation might increase significantly.
If ShowColumnAs is Histogram, then this property defines the number of intervals the data range is divided into. This property ...
If the column you are adding is from a different table, the current column list will be cleared. Do you want to continue? ...
If the constrained task has multiple constraints, you can choose how the constraints interoperate to control the execution ...
If the FailOnFixedAttributeChange property is set to TRUE, the transformation will fail when a fixed attribute change is ...
If the Maximum Rows property is set to 0, cross-validation uses all the rows in the data set. Therefore, the time needed ...
If the report server is configured to use SharePoint integrated mode, verify that the server is joined to a SharePoint farm ...
If the secondary database will be created when the backup is restored, you can specify the folders in which the log and data ...
If this is a large table or view, or if the chosen full-text catalog has indexed or other large tables, consider assigning ...
If this service fails to start during startup, the ErrorControl property specifies the severity of the error. The value indicates ...