MS DTC was unable to start because the installation was not configured to run on a cluster. Please create a MS DTC resource through cluster administrator. Error Specifics: %1%0
MS DTC was unable to bind to the TIP socket. This failure may have occurred because some other application is using the TIP ...
MS DTC was unable to determine the state of the cluster service on this machine. MS DTC cannot continue to startup. Please ...
MS DTC was unable to determine the version of the data associated with cluster support in the local registry. MS DTC cannot ...
MS DTC was unable to determine the version of the data associated with MS DTC cluster resource. MS DTC cannot continue to ...
MS DTC was unable to start because the installation was not configured to run on a cluster. Please create a MS DTC resource ...
MS DTC was unable to start because this version of dtc is less than the least valid version allowable specified in the cluster ...
MS DTC was unable to start because this version of dtc is not compatible with the version of MS DTC installed on another ...
MS DTC's attempt to check if the machine is a Domain Controller failed. MS DTC will continue to function, but may use incorrect ...
MS DTC's cluster resource dll attempted to wait on an internal event. This wait failed. The MS DTC resource will not be able ...