Windows System Resource Manager - Manages CPU and memory resources on a Windows Server, Enterprise edition or Datacenter ...

Windows System Resource Manager -- Manages CPU and memory resources on a
 Windows Server, Enterprise edition or Datacenter edition.
 Wsrmc is WSRM's tool for the command line.

 Type wsrmc followed by the command and /?, for example, "wsrmc /get:pol /?" for
 detailed help on each command.

 Resource Allocation Policy Operations

 /Get:Pol               Returns information about the specified resource
                        allocation policy.
 /Create:Pol            Creates a new Resource Allocation Policy.
 /Modify:Pol            Modifies the specified Resource Allocation Policy.
 /Delete:Pol            Deletes the specified Resource Allocation Policy.
 /Rename:Pol            Renames the specified Resource Allocation Policy.
 /Set:Pol               Set the specified Resource Allocation Policy as Active.
 /Get:CalDefPol         Returns information about Default Calendar Policy.
 /Set:CalDefPol         Sets the specified resource allocation policy as the
                        default calendar policy.
 /Depends:Pol           Lists the calendar events and Schedules of which the
                        specified resource allocation policy is a member.

 Process Matching Criteria Operations

 /Get:Pmc               Returns information about the specified process matching
 /Create:Pmc            Creates a new Process Matching Criteria
 /Modify:Pmc            Modifies the specified Process Matching Criteria.
 /Delete:Pmc            Deletes the specified Process Matching Criteria.
 /Rename:Pmc            Renames the specified Process Matching Criteria
 /Depends:Pmc           Lists the resource allocation policies of which the
                        specified process matching criteria is a member.

 Calendar Operations

 /Get:Cal               Returns information about the specified calendar event.
 /Create:Cal            Creates a new Calendar Event.
 /Modify:Cal            Modifies the specified Calendar Event.
 /Delete:Cal            Deletes the specified Calendar Event.
 /Rename:Cal            Renames the specified Calendar Event.
 /Enable:Cal            Enables calendar control.
 /Disable:Cal           Disables calendar control.
 /Move:Cal              Changes the precedence of a calendar event.
 /Get:CalView           Lists the calendar events that are scheduled between the
                        specified date range.
 /Get:Sched             Returns information about the specified 24-hour schedule
 /Create:Sched          Creates a new 24-hour Schedule.
 /Modify:Sched          Modifies the specified 24-hour Schedule.
 /Delete:Sched          Deletes the specified 24-hour Schedule.
 /Rename:Sched          Renames the specified 24-hour Schedule.
 /Depends:Sched         Lists the Calendar events of which the specified
                        schedule is a member.

 Export/Import Operations

 /Export                Export as files in XML format all the resource
                        allocation policies, process matching criteria, and
                        calendar events and Schedules.
 /Import                Import from files in XML format.
 /Import:LastGoodState  Reset WSRM information from automatic backup.
 /Reset                 Reset WSRM Information to default settings.

 Accounting Operations
 /Get:Acc               Returns accounting data.
 /Delete:Acc            Deletes accounting data without archiving 
 /Enable:Acc            Enables accounting.
 /Disable:Acc           Disables accounting.

 Conditional Policies
 /Get:CP                Get List of all (supported) conditions from the server
 /Set:CP                Set a particular condition from the list of supported 

 Computer Group
 /Get:CG                Get Computer Group info from the server
 /Set:CG                Set the Computer Group info to the server

 /Get:UserCategory      Get the user category info from the server
 /Set:UserCategory      Set the user category info to the server

 Miscellaneous Operations

 /Start                 Starts Windows System Resource Manager management.
 /Stop                  Stops Windows System Resource Manager management.
 /Get:ProcList          Returns the list of all processes matched by the
                        specified resource allocation policy.
 /Get:Config            Returns accounting and notification configuration
 /Set:Config            Sets the accounting and notification configuration.
 /Enable:Ntfy           Enables notification.
 /Disable:Ntfy          Disables notification.
 /Get:EventList         Returns a complete list of all Events supported by WSRM
 /Get:Status            Returns the Status of WSRM.
 /Get:ExclusionList     Returns the list of processes not managed by WSRM.
 /Set:UserExclusionList Add or remove processes from the user-defined exclusion
 /Get:AccClients        Lists the status of all client machines that remotely
                        log data to this machine.
 /Set:AccClients        Sets the status of client machines that remotely log
                        data to this machine.