Your changes can't be uploaded because they conflict with changes made by someone else. To keep your changes, save a copy of the file.
Your attempt to create a Meeting Workspace or link to an existing one can't be completed. You don't have permission to create ...
Your attempt to delete a Meeting Workspace could not be completed. The specified location is not a Meeting Workspace. Specify ...
Your AutoCorrect file, |, could not be saved.The file may be read-only, or you may not have permission to modify the file. ...
Your changes can't be uploaded because they conflict with changes made by someone else. Open the file to resolve these conflicts. ...
Your changes can't be uploaded because they conflict with changes made by someone else. To keep your changes, save a copy ...
Your changes can't be uploaded because you didn't check out this file. Please check out the file from your browser or save ...
Your changes can't be uploaded right now because someone else has checked out this file. Your changes will be uploaded when ...
Your changes can't be uploaded right now because someone else is editing the file. Your changes will be saved when the file ...
Your changes cannot be saved in the workspace because the site has filled its storage quota. These changes will continue ...