Cannot publish the source object '%1!s!'. The value specified for the @type parameter ("indexed view schema only" or "indexed view logbased") can be used only for indexed views. Either specify a value of "view schema only" for the @type parameter, or modify the view to be schema bound with a unique clustered index.
Cannot publish table %1!s!].[%2!s!]. The replication administraive user requires an explicit SELECT grant, or a SELECT grant ...
Cannot publish the article '%1!s!' or add the COLUMN_SET attribute set to its base table '%2!s!' because replication does ...
Cannot publish the schema-bound view '%1!s!'. The value specified for the @type parameter must be "indexed view schema only" ...
Cannot publish the source object '%1!s!'. The value specified for the @type parameter ("indexed view logbased") requires ...
Cannot publish the source object '%1!s!'. The value specified for the @type parameter ("indexed view schema only" or "indexed ...
Cannot publish the table '%1!s!.%2!s!' from the Publisher '%3!s!'. Verify connection information and ensure that you can ...
Cannot publish view %1!s! as a table because it does not have a unique clustered index. Publish the view as a view, or add ...
Cannot rebuild clustered index '%1!s!' on view '%2!s!' because the view is dependent on base table '%3!s!' whose clustered ...
Cannot recover the master database. SQL Server is unable to run. Restore master from a full backup, repair it, or rebuild ...