Select when to check for circular structures in BOMs. A circular BOM reflects an item that has been defined as a component ...

Select when to check for circular structures in BOMs. A circular BOM reflects an item that has been defined as a component of itself. This is regardless of whether it is a first-level component or a lower-level component. A circular BOM is not supported. If a circular BOM exists, cost rollup calculations and planning calculations identify the error, and the calculations are not completed. If you select Line, this prevents a BOM line from being added when the component item would cause BOM circularity. The line check policy provides immediate feedback about a BOM circularity error. We recommended that you use this policy for checking BOM circularity. If you select Never, this means that BOM lines that would cause BOM circularity are not prevented. You can use the Check function in the BOM line page to identify a BOM circularity error, and the error is also identified when you perform cost rollup calculations and planning calculations. If you select BOM, a BOM circularity check is performed when you close the Bills of materials page, use the Check function in the Bills of materials page, and when you associate a BOM with a BOM version. Caution: The controls preventing a circular BOM do not apply to a production BOM for a production order. You can manually add a component or consume a component that would ultimately create BOM circularity. When the component consumption reflects BOM circularity, the inventory closing process might not calculate a sensible cost for a manufactured item that has an actual costing inventory valuation method. In such an occurrence, the use of a manufacturing indirect cost of the surcharge type can also cause problems in inventory closing, because the calculated cost can grow exponentially.
English (United States)