%1 active calls have been disabled on the Unified Messaging server. An administrator with the appropriate permissions chose to disable all incoming calls immediately.
Action %1 in rule ID %2 was cancelled. The forward rule will not be triggered on messages with Sensitivity set to private. ...
Action Trigger" can be Admin or Automatic. Automatic actions are ones that are made by the service; for example, a failover ...
Action Type" can be Move, Mount, Dismount, or Remount. Moves are any time that the database changes its active server, whether ...
active calls have been disabled on the Unified Messaging server. An administrator with the appropriate permissions chose ...
active calls have been disabled on the Unified Messaging server. An administrator with the appropriate permissions chose ...
active calls that were associated with remote end point "%2" were disconnected. An administrator with the appropriate permissions ...
active calls that were associated with remote end point "%2" were disconnected. An administrator with the appropriate permissions ...
Active Conversions is the number of conversions that are currently being processed by the WebReady Document Viewing service. ...
Active Directory %1 returned error %2 while generating the offline address book for '%3'. The last recipient returned by ...