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Exchange Server 2016
Gather one hour's worth of data from all the servers in the database availability group "Group123", sampled at one minute ...
Gather statistics on database moves and mounts. Generates CSV files of the raw data for each database operation. Optionally ...
Generate a report of all operations over the last week for each database availability group in the organisation. It then ...
Generate a report of all the operations on the database availability group "ProdDag123" for the last 24 hours. If the command ...
Generating the default recipient and configuration scope for the "{0}" management role assignment using the existing enabled ...
GeneratingMailbox cannot be set to a non-null value, because linked OABGen mailboxes are not supported in this configuration. ...
GeneratingMailbox is null; this OAB will not be generated until GeneratingMailbox is set to an arbitration mailbox with OABGen ...
Generic protocol error (SMTP error). The remote SMTP response to our EHLO with a 500 level error and the sending system will ...
Get Attachment Commands/sec is the number of GetAttachment commands that are processed each second. Clients that are running ...
Get Attachment Total is the total number of GetAttachments requests that have been processed since the service was started. ...
Get Hierarchy Commands/sec is the number of GetHierarchy commands that are processed each second. Clients that are running ...
Get Item Estimate Commands/sec is the number of GetItemEstimate commands that are processed each second. The GetItemEstimate ...
Get Item Estimate Total is the total number of GetItemEstimate requests that have been processed since the service was started. ...
get-EcpVirtualDirectory -server $RoleFqdnOrName -DomainController $RoleDomainController -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | remove-EcpVirtualDirectory ...
Get-ExchangeServer cmdlet failed with the exception: {0}. Make sure the user account has the minimum permissions to this ...
Get-HostedEncryptionVirtualDirectory -ShowMailboxVirtualDirectories -server $RoleFqdnOrName -DomainController $RoleDomainController ...
Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus will query the Microsoft Exchange Replication service on server '{0}' for databases {1} via ...
Get-MessageTrackingReport Processing Time is the total time spent executing Get-MessageTrackingReport task in milliseconds. ...
Get-MessageTrackingReport Task Executed/Sec is the number of times the Get-MessageTrackingReport task is executed per second. ...
Get-OutlookServiceVirtualDirectory -ShowMailboxVirtualDirectories -server $RoleFqdnOrName -DomainController $RoleDomainController ...
get-PowerShellVirtualDirectory -server $RoleFqdnOrName -DomainController $RoleDomainController | remove-PowerShellVirtualDirectory ...
Get-PushNotificationsVirtualDirectory -ShowMailboxVirtualDirectories -server $RoleFqdnOrName -DomainController $RoleDomainController ...
Get-PushNotificationsVirtualDirectory -ShowMailboxVirtualDirectories -server $RoleFqdnOrName -DomainController $RoleDomainController ...
Get-Variable RoleDatacenterServiceEndpoint* | foreach { Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Info ("Adding endpoint from variable " + ...
GetAggregatedAccount Successful Requests is the total number of successful requests for the GetAggregatedAccount web method. ...
GetAppMarketplaceUrl Successful Requests is the total number of successful requests for the GetAppMarketplaceUrl web method. ...
GetAttachment Average Response Time is the average elapsed time (in milliseconds) between the beginning and end of a GetAttachment ...
GetAttachment Successful Requests is the total number of successful requests for the GetAttachment web method since the service ...
GetAvailableCultures Successful Requests is the total number of successful requests for the GetAvailableCultures web method. ...
GetBirthdayCalendarView Successful Requests is the total number of successful requests for the GetBirthdayCalendarView web ...
GetBusinessInformation Successful Requests is the total number of successful requests for the GetBusinessInformation web ...
GetCallInfo Average Response Time is the average elapsed time (in milliseconds) between the beginning and end of a GetCallInfo ...
GetCallInfo Successful Requests is the total number of successful requests for the GetCallInfo web method since the service ...
GetChannelEvents Average Response Time is the average elapsed time (in milliseconds) between the beginning and end of a GetChannelEvents ...
GetClientAccessToken Successful Requests is the total number of successful requests for the GetClientAccessToken web method. ...
GetClientExtensionToken Successful Requests is the total number of successful requests for the GetClientExtensionToken web ...
GetComplianceConfiguration Successful Requests is the total number of successful requests for the GetComplianceConfiguration ...
GetConsumerCalendarSharedInformation Requests is the total number of requests for the GetConsumerCalendarSharedInformation ...
GetConsumerCalendarSharedInformation Requests per second is the number of GetConsumerCalendarSharedInformation requests processed ...
GetConsumerCalendarSharedInformation Successful Requests is the total number of successful requests for the GetConsumerCalendarSharedInformation ...
GetConversationItems Successful Requests is the total number of successful requests for the GetConversationItems web method. ...
GetConversationItemsDiagnostics Requests per second is the number of GetConversationItemsDiagnostics requests processed each ...
GetConversationItemsDiagnosticsResponse Requests is the total number of requests for the GetConversationItemsDiagnostics ...
GetConversationItemsDiagnosticsResponse Successful Requests is the total number of successful requests for the GetConversationItemsDiagnostics ...
GetCopyStatus Server-Side Calls is the total number of calls made to GetCopyStatus to retrieve status of database copies ...
GetCopyStatus Server-Side Calls is the total number of calls made to GetCopyStatus to retrieve status of this database copy, ...
GetCopyStatus Server-Side Calls/sec is the rate at which remote clients are querying for the status of database copies on ...
GetCopyStatus Server-Side Calls/sec is the rate at which remote clients are querying for the status of this database copy. ...
GetCriticalMailboxResources: Checking for active databases, passive copies not suspended, and mailboxes for {1} databases ...
GetCriticalMailboxResources: Checking for Primary Active Manager role by querying the cluster service with command: cluster.exe ...
GetCriticalMailboxResources: Checking for Primary Active Manager role by querying the cluster service with command: cluster.exe ...
GetCriticalMailboxResources: Could not contact the server {0} to tell if it can host the Primary ActiveManager. Because the ...
GetCriticalMailboxResources: Could not contact the server {0} to tell if it can host the Primary ActiveManager. Because the ...
GetCriticalMailboxResources: {0}\{1} is a critical resource, removing {2} copy hosted on {3} will critically affect redundancy ...
GetDelegate Average Response Time is the average elapsed time (in milliseconds) between the beginning and end of a GetDelegate ...
GetDelegate Successful Requests is the total number of successful requests for the GetDelegate web method since the service ...
GetDirectoryObjects returns an error in service instance '%5'. ContextID: %1. ObjectId: %2. ObjectClass: %3. ErrorCode: %4. ...
GetDiscoverySearchConfiguration Requests is the total number of requests for the GetDiscoverySearchConfiguration web method. ...
GetDiscoverySearchConfiguration Requests per second is the number of GetDiscoverySearchConfiguration requests processed each ...
GetDiscoverySearchConfiguration Successful Requests is the total number of successful requests for the GetDiscoverySearchConfiguration ...
GetEncryptionConfiguration Successful Requests is the total number of successful requests for the GetEncryptionConfiguration ...
GetEncryptionConfigurationToken Requests is the total number of requests for the GetEncryptionConfigurationToken Web method. ...
GetEncryptionConfigurationToken Requests/sec is the number of GetEncryptionConfigurationToken requests processed each second. ...
GetEncryptionConfigurationToken Successful Requests is the total number of successful requests for the GetEncryptionConfigurationToken ...
GetEvents Average Response Time is the average elapsed time (in milliseconds) between the beginning and end of a GetEvents ...
GetEvents Successful Requests is the total number of successful requests for the GetEvents web method since the service was ...
GetFolder Average Response Time is the average elapsed time (in milliseconds) between the beginning and end of a GetFolder ...
GetFolder Successful Requests is the total number of successful requests for the GetFolder web method since the service was ...
GetHostByName Elapsed Time is the total time (in milliseconds) spent in a GetHostByName call trying to find the DC's IP address. ...
GetHostByName Elapsed Time is the total time (in milliseconds) spent in GetHostByName call trying to find the DC's IP address. ...
GetInboxRules Average Response Time is the average elapsed time (in milliseconds) between the beginning and end of a GetInboxRules ...
GetInboxRules Successful Requests is the total number of successful requests for the GetInboxRules web method since the service ...
GetItem Average Response Time is the average elapsed time (in milliseconds) between the beginning and end of a GetItem request. ...
GetItem Successful Requests is the total number of successful requests for the GetItem web method since the service was started. ...
GetMailTips Average Response Time is the average elapsed time (in milliseconds) between the beginning and end of a GetMailTips ...
Deutsch (Deutschland)
German (Germany)
Español (España)
Spanish (Spain)
Français (France)
French (France)
English (United States)