Exchange Server 2016

  1. Execution of the {0} cmdlet has thrown an exception. This may indicate invalid parameters in your hybrid configuration settings. ...
  2. Existing Accept or Reject supervision tags have been removed. Make sure these tags are no longer used in recipient supervision ...
  3. Expand DL recipient of the message item with id: %1, mailbox guid: %2, tenant: %3 failed with exception. Exception details: ...
  4. ExpandDL Average Response Time is the average elapsed time (in milliseconds) between the beginning and end of an ExpandDL ...
  5. ExpandDL Successful Requests is the total number of successful requests for the ExpandDL web method since the service was ...
  6. experienced the following problem at {1} GMT. {2} For more information, please click here . Note: You won't receive further ...
  7. Explicit Sign-On Inbound Proxy Requests - Peak is the largest number of Explicit Sign-On requests simultaneously received ...
  8. Explicit Sign-On Inbound Proxy Requests - Total is the total number of Explicit Sign-On requests received from a primary ...
  9. Explicit Sign-On Inbound Proxy Requests is the current number of Explicit Sign-On requests received from a primary Client ...
  10. Explicit Sign-On Inbound Proxy Requests/sec is the number of Explicit Sign-On requests received from a primary Client Access ...
  11. Explicit Sign-On Inbound Proxy Sessions - Peak is the largest number of Explicit Sign-On Inbound Proxy sessions simultaneously ...
  12. Explicit Sign-On Inbound Proxy Sessions - Total is the total number of Explicit Sign-On Inbound Proxy Sessions loaded in ...
  13. Explicit Sign-On Inbound Proxy Sessions is the current number of Explicit Sign-On RBAC sessions loaded in the Exchange Control ...
  14. Explicit Sign-On Inbound Proxy Sessions/sec is the number of Explicit Sign-On Inbound Proxy sessions that are loaded per ...
  15. Explicit Sign-On Outbound Proxy Request Bytes is the total number of HTTP header and content bytes in Explicit Sign-On requests ...
  16. Explicit Sign-On Outbound Proxy Requests - Average Response Time Base is the measurement used to calculate the average response ...
  17. Explicit Sign-On Outbound Proxy Requests - Average Response Time is the average time (in milliseconds) that Explicit Sign-On ...
  18. Explicit Sign-On Outbound Proxy Requests - Peak is the largest number of Explicit Sign-On requests simultaneously sent to ...
  19. Explicit Sign-On Outbound Proxy Requests - Total is the total number of Explicit Sign-On requests sent to a secondary Client ...
  20. Explicit Sign-On Outbound Proxy Requests is the current number of Explicit Sign-On requests sent to a secondary Client Access ...
  21. Explicit Sign-On Outbound Proxy Requests/sec is the number of Explicit Sign-On requests sent to a secondary Client Access ...
  22. Explicit Sign-On Outbound Proxy Response Bytes is the total number of HTTP header and content bytes in responses to Explicit ...
  23. Explicit Sign-On Outbound Proxy Sessions - Peak is the largest number of Explicit Sign-On Outbound Proxy sessions simultaneously ...
  24. Explicit Sign-On Outbound Proxy Sessions - Total is the total number of Explicit Sign-On Outbound Proxy sessions loaded in ...
  25. Explicit Sign-On Outbound Proxy Sessions is the current number of Explicit Sign-On sessions loaded in the Exchange Control ...
  26. Explicit Sign-On Outbound Proxy Sessions/sec is the number of Explicit Sign-On Outbound Proxy sessions that are loaded per ...
  27. Explicit Sign-On Standard RBAC Requests - Peak is the largest number of requests simultaneously received by an Explicit Sign-On ...
  28. Explicit Sign-On Standard RBAC Requests - Total is the total number of requests received by an Explicit Sign-On Standard ...
  29. Explicit Sign-On Standard RBAC Requests is the current number of requests received by an Explicit Sign-On Standard RBAC session. ...
  30. Explicit Sign-On Standard RBAC Requests/sec is the number of requests received per second by an Explicit Sign-On Standard ...
  31. Explicit Sign-On Standard RBAC Sessions - Peak is the largest number of Explicit Sign-On Standard RBAC sessions simultaneously ...
  32. Explicit Sign-On Standard RBAC Sessions - Total is the total number of Explicit Sign-On Standard RBAC sessions loaded in ...
  33. Explicit Sign-On Standard RBAC Sessions is the current number of standard RBAC sessions loaded in the Exchange Control Panel. ...
  34. Explicit Sign-On Standard RBAC Sessions/sec is the number of Explicit Sign-On Standard RBAC sessions that are loaded per ...
  35. Exporting mailbox content from mailbox '{0}' into mailbox for '{1} ({2})' inside folder '{3}'. This operation may take a ...
  36. ExportItems Average Response Time is the average elapsed time (in milliseconds) between the beginning and end of an ExportItems ...
  37. ExportItems Successful Requests is the total number of successful requests for the ExportItems web method since the service ...
  38. ExRpcConnection outstanding is the total number of outstanding ExRpcConnection objects. This value shows number of managed ...
  39. Extended protection hasn't been enabled. Install the operating system updates specified in Knowledge Base article {1} on ...
  40. Extension Caller ID Resolutions Attempted is the number of attempts to resolve caller IDs that contained no "@" or "+" signs ...
  41. Extension Caller ID Resolutions Succeeded is the number of successful attempts to resolve caller IDs that contained no "@" ...
  42. External Active Remote Delivery Queue Length is the number of items in the active remote delivery queues to external destinations. ...
  43. External Aggregate Delivery Queue Length (All External Queues) is the number of external items queued for delivery in all ...
  44. External messages failed to prelicense per second is the number of messages protected by external RMS servers that failed ...
  45. External Retry Remote Delivery Queue Length is the number of external items set for "retry" in the remote delivery queues. ...
  46. External RMS Messages Failed to Prelicense per second is the number of messages IRM-protected against external RMS servers ...
  47. External RMS Messages Prelicensed per second is the number of messages that are IRM-protected against external RMS servers ...
  48. ExternalAuthoritative cannot be set with BasicAuth, BasicAuthRequireTLS, ExchangeServer, or Integrated authentication mechanisms. ...
  49. Extra GetFolder Average Response Time For Large Archive Mailboxes Base is the base of average elapsed time (in milliseconds) ...
  50. Extra GetFolder Average Response Time For Large Archive Mailboxes is the average elapsed time (in milliseconds) between the ...
  51. Extra GetFolder Failed Requests For Large Archive Mailboxes is the total number of failed GetFolder requests made for large ...
  52. Extra GetFolder Failed Requests For Large Archive Mailboxes/sec is the number of failed GetFolder requests made for large ...
  53. Extra GetFolder Requests For Large Archive Mailboxes is the total number of GetFolder requests made for large archive mailboxes ...
  54. Extra GetFolder Response Time For Large Archive Mailboxes is the total response time of GetFolder requests made for large ...
  55. Fail to create a runspace because you have exceeded the maximum number of connections allowed : {0} for the policy party ...
  56. Fail to create a runspace because you have exceeded the maximum number of connections allowed : {0}. Please close existing ...
  57. Fail to create runspace because organization "{0}" has exceeded the budget to create runspace. Please wait for {1} seconds. ...
  58. Fail to load reporting schema configruation file. Detail error is '%1'. The reporting web service cannot start successfully. ...
  59. Failed Item Conversion Total is the total number of items that failed to convert due to modifications made by the server ...
  60. Failed to access the Federation certificate. Run the Get-FederationTrust cmdlet and verify the OrgPrivCertificate thumbprint ...
  61. Failed to acquire a license as the message was protected against an older version of the Active Directory RMS server '%1'. ...
  62. Failed to acquire a Rights Account Certificate (RAC) and/or a Client Licensor Certificate (CLC). This failure may cause features ...
  63. Failed to acquire a Rights Account Certificate (RAC) and/or a Client Licensor Certificate (CLC). This failure may cause features ...
  64. Failed to acquire a use license. This failure may cause features like Transport Decryption, Journal Report Decryption, IRM ...
  65. Failed to acquire a use license. This failure may cause features such as Transport Decryption, Journal Report Decryption, ...
  66. Failed to acquire a use license. This failure may cause features such as Transport Decryption, Journal Report Decryption, ...
  67. Failed to acquire RMS templates. This failure may cause features such as Transport Protection Rules, IRM in OWA, and IRM ...
  68. Failed to acquire RMS Templates. This failure may cause features such as Transport Protection Rules, IRM in OWA, and IRM ...
  69. Failed to attach flush map file "%4" with error %5. For more information, click ...
  70. Failed to check the discovery hold status. If the mailbox is not on discovery hold, please use '-IgnoreLegalHold' parameter ...
  71. Failed to check the status of copy's database file at ({1}) on {0}. To avoid overwriting the existing files, use "Move-DatabasePath ...
  72. Failed to complete a CompleteFindInGAL speech recognition request: Request Id: "%1" Error Code: "%2" Error Message: "%3" ...
  73. Failed to confirm domain capabilities '%1' on connector '%2' because validation of the Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificate ...
  74. Failed to connect to data mart, trying to connect the backup data mart. Primary connection string: %1, backup connection ...
  75. Failed to connect to Engine Update service with error: %1, trying again every 30 seconds. Engines will not be updated until ...