The {3} property for the {0} ‘{1}' contains ‘{4}'. Field names must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to {5} characters.
The {2} value expression used for the language of '{1}' refers to a report item. Variable values cannot be used in report ...
The {2}' extension failed to load the extension assembly. The {0} {1}' will render the AltReportItem or preserve the white ...
The {2}' property of report parameter {1}' is false. However, the {3}' property contains a value that violates the {2}' property ...
The {2}' property of report parameter {1}' is set to false. However, the {3}' property contains a value that violates the ...
The {3} property for the {0} {1}' contains {4}'. Field names must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to {5} characters. ...
Then, if you want to reestablish the result set, you can rerun the query or view. Do you want to prolong your work with the ...
There are a large number of tables in the database and some tables are not displayed in the list. If the table you need is ...
There are circular feature dependencies defined in the feature relationship. Feature dependencies determine the sequence ...
There are currently too many requests in progress for user: "{0}". Please wait until the current requests have finished processing ...