An error occurred while locating the volume description. Open a command prompt and run "manage-bde" to recover the volume.
An error occurred while enumerating the children for {0}. Refreshing the node in the tree panel may help to solve the problem. ...
An error occurred while loading the Terminal Services ActiveX control. Please make sure the correct version of mstscax.dll ...
An error occurred while locating the recovery password on the volume. Open a command prompt and run "manage-bde -status" ...
An error occurred while locating the specified boot image %3 for the device with MAC address %1 and GUID %2. As a result ...
An error occurred while locating the volume description. Open a command prompt and run "manage-bde" to recover the volume. ...
An error occurred while moving the no longer needed storage from the virtual machine role back to Available Storage. The ...
An error occurred while preparing to send the fax. The service will not attempt to resend the fax. Please close other applications ...
An error occurred while processing the last operation on the remote computer '%1'. Error code %2 The event log may contain ...
An error occurred while processing the last operation. Error code %1 The event log may contain additional troubleshooting ...