This Entity (External Content Type) has more than one Association where it is the Destination. Therefore this operation is ambiguous.
This email store will not be indexed by default unless it is cached locally. To enable indexing you need to adjust your Outlook ...
This enterprise calendar is being used by one or more resources. Edit the resources' calendars to use a different enterprise ...
This enterprise project has not been opened. If you click this icon then the project will expand by querying Project Server ...
This Entity (External Content Type) has either zero or more than one Identifier defined. The FindSpecific (Read Item) operation ...
This Entity (External Content Type) has more than one Association where it is the Destination. Therefore this operation is ...
This Entity has zero or more than one Identifier defined. FindSpecific may not be called without specifying all the subIdentifier ...
This equation is the maximum size allowed. Please save the equation immediately. If you want to continue, you must divide ...
This equation was created with MathType. Tab-stop formatting will be lost; User 1 2 styles will be converted to the Text ...
This error appears if you have tried to save a workbook on a drive and you do not have Modify and Delete permissions to the ...