The selected kanban(s) cannot be moved. You can only move kanban jobs with the status Planned within the visible planning periods.
The selected job cannot be rescheduled because it is one of several parallel jobs. The selected job cannot be rescheduled ...
The selected job cannot be rescheduled because it represents the overlap between two subsequent operations. The selected ...
The selected kanban rule %1 is not a valid alternative for kanban rule %2 and item number %3 %4 %5 %6. Select a valid alternative ...
The selected kanban rule %1 is not a valid alternative for kanban rule %2 and item number %3 %4. Select a valid alternative ...
The selected kanban(s) cannot be moved. You can only move kanban jobs with the status Planned within the visible planning ...
The selected legal entity cannot be deleted while it is your current company context. Switch to another company context and ...
The selected method of payment does not support the credit notes. All credit lines in the payment journal must be settled ...
The selected objects cannot be moved because either one of the selected objects is disabled or the parent object is disabled. ...
The selected package is not valid because it is missing mandatory files present in the packages exported from the product. ...