Landscape mode is now available on Windows Phone! Simply rotate your phone to view a totally different, slicker and much more intuitive experience of your tiles and dashboards.
Keeps the initial offset then alternates taking and skipping the following rows. {0}: The input table. {1}: The number of ...
Key columns of the '{0}' parent attribute do not correspond to key columns of the '{1}' dimension key attribute. These must ...
KEY SEQUENCE columns are not supported at the case level. The '%{column/}' column of the '%{structure/}' mining structure ...
Know when your critical data has changed and take immediate action with data driven alerts. Note: You can't set alerts on ...
Landscape mode is now available on Windows Phone! Simply rotate your phone to view a totally different, slicker and much ...
Landscape: Landscape mode is now available on Android Phone! Simply rotate your phone to view a totally different, slicker ...
Least recently used directory {0} was reserved at {1} time (UTC)! It was used is too recently to be reserved again. Check ...
Left outer joins return all rows from the left table, and all rows from the right table where the joined fields match in ...
Level '%{level/}' in hierarchy '%{hier/}' in table '%{table/}' has Column property set to column '%{column/}' which belongs ...