Cannot drop server '%1!s!' as Distribution Publisher because there are databases enabled for replication on that server.
Cannot drop filter '%1!s!' because a snapshot is already generated. Set @force_invalidate_snapshot to 1 to force this and ...
Cannot drop filter '%1!s!' from publication '%2!s!' because its snapshot has been run and this publication could have active ...
Cannot drop or alter the database encryption key since it is currently in use on a mirror. Retry the command after all the ...
Cannot drop resource pool '%1!s!' because it contains workload group '%2!s!'. Drop or remove all workload groups using this ...
Cannot drop server '%1!s!' as Distribution Publisher because there are databases enabled for replication on that server. ...
Cannot drop the column '%1!s!' because it is used by replication: it is referenced in a filter or view by article '%2!s!'. ...
Cannot drop the database encryption key because it is currently in use. Database encryption needs to be turned off to be ...
Cannot drop the publication because at least one subscription exists for this publication. Drop all subscriptions to the ...
Cannot drop the ROWGUIDCOL property for column '%1!s!' in table '%2!s!' because the column is not the designated ROWGUIDCOL ...