Use the Table Looping functoid to create iterations of output message structure that is different from or not present in the input message structure. This functoid accepts multiple inputs, such as links, constants, and other functoids and uses the inputs to create a table from which the Table Extractor functoid can extract data. You use this functoid in conjunction with the Table Extractor functoid. The first input parameter to this functoid must be a scoping link, and the second represents the number of columns in the data grid. Changing the second parameter after data is entered in the grid can force the user to re-enter that data. The output of this functoid should be connected to at least one record or field element in the destination schema which will determine the scope of iteration.
Use the String Right functoid to return a specified number of characters from a text item, starting with the rightmost character. ...
Use the String Right Trim functoid to remove trailing spaces from a text item. This functoid requires one input parameter. ...
Use the Subtraction functoid to subtract one numeric input parameter from another numeric input parameter. This functoid ...
Use the Table Extractor functoid to extract a specific column of data for each iteration of the Table Looping functoid. The ...
Use the Table Looping functoid to create iterations of output message structure that is different from or not present in ...
Use the Tangent functoid to return the tangent of a number. This functoid requires one input parameter whose value is in ...
Use the Time functoid to return the current time. This functoid does not require any input parameters. The output format ...
Use the Value Extractor functoid to extract the appropriate column value from a recordset returned by the Database Lookup ...
Use the Value Mapping (Flattening) functoid to return a value from one of two input parameters and to flatten the source ...