Suggestions couldn't be provided because the scheduled meeting is shorter than the minimum required number of minutes: {0}.
Successful Extension Caller ID Resolutions is the percentage of successful attempts to resolve caller IDs that contained ...
Successfully removed the permission granted to '{1}'. Please manually remove user/group '{1}' from the local administrators ...
Successfully started collection of performance data. Data will be logged to the file {0}. Data collection will be complete ...
Successfully updated the Active Directory membership of the Started and Stopped Servers lists for database availability group ...
Suggestions couldn't be provided because the scheduled meeting is shorter than the minimum required number of minutes: {0}. ...
Suggestions Requests per second is the number of requests per second, specifically for meeting suggestions. The request can ...
Summary of Reseed script run: - Reseed {4} ran successfully. Ready for Reseed. - Disk {0} selected as spare. In order to ...
Sure, you can say "Repeat" to play the message from the beginning, "Rewind" to back up three seconds, "Select Language" to ...
Sure, you can say "Repeat" to play the message from the beginning, "Rewind" to back up three seconds, or "Cancel" to stop ...