%11User "%1" resend software update with CI_ID "%2" to all child sites. Update Details: ID = "%3", QNumbers = "%4", CI_UniqueID = %5, CIVersion = %6 ".%12%0
User "%1" modified the address properties for an address of type "%6" connecting site %3 to %7 on %8 with priority %9.%12%0 ...
User "%1" requested that the CCR be generated for resource "%3". But no CCR is generated. Possible cause: this is not a system ...
User "%1" requested that the CCRs be generated for collection "%3" (%2). The SMS Provider did not generate CCRs for all the ...
User "%1" requested that the CCRs be generated for query named "%3" (%2) targeting the "%4" class. The SMS Provider did not ...
User "%1" resend software update with CI_ID "%2" to all child sites. Update Details: ID = "%3", QNumbers = "%4", CI_UniqueID ...
Users have created links to this collection, so multiple instances of the collection exist under Collections in the ConfigMgr ...
utility initiated by SMS Site Backup did not complete in timely fashion. Terminating this utility. You may need to get its ...
Valid folder names must be less than 127 characters and must not contain any of the following characters: / | \ : ? " < > ...
Verifies that all clients assigned to the site to be upgraded have recently communicated successfully with their assigned ...