You are being connected to the Read-only Active Directory Domain Controller %s. You will not be able to perform any write operations.
You are attempting to reduce the number of ports on this device. If the new number of ports is less than the total number ...
You are attempting to shut down another computer to which you and other users are connected. As a result, nobody will be ...
You are attempting to shut down another computer to which you are connected. As a result nobody will be able to use this ...
You are being connected to a Read-only Active Directory Domain Controller. You will not be able to perform any write operations. ...
You are being connected to the Read-only Active Directory Domain Controller %s. You will not be able to perform any write ...
You are changing the password for %username%. If you do this, %username% will lose all EFS-encrypted files, personal certificates, ...
You are changing the trust policy file location. This change might conflict with other open property dialogs. Please close ...
You are changing the trust policy file location. You might lose current trust policy configuration. Do you want to discard ...
You are changing the type of trust with this account partner from using a Windows trust relationship to using Internet federation ...