File {0} was not found. The file might be missing in sources or misspelled in config.xml, or case sensitivity may not be preserved.
File ID %1!s! of database ID %2!s! cannot be shrunk to the expected size. The high concurrent workload is leading to too ...
File not found: {0}. To perform this action SQL Server Configuration Manager component needs to be installed on local machine. ...
File {0} exists in destination SQL Server and since overwrite option is not set for database ignoring transfer of database ...
File {0} was not found. The file might be missing in sources or misspelled in config.xml (note: file name in config.xml is ...
File {0} was not found. The file might be missing in sources or misspelled in config.xml, or case sensitivity may not be ...
Filegroup '%1!s!' already exists in this database. Specify a different name or remove the conflicting filegroup if it is ...
Filegroup '%1!s!' has no files assigned to it. Tables, indexes, and large object columns cannot be created on this filegroup. ...
Filemark on device '%1!s!' is not aligned. Re-issue the Restore statement with the same blocksize used to create the backupset: ...
Files are copied from the backup folder to a destination folder by a SQL Server Agent job running on the secondary server ...