Description: Removes a prestaged device. Syntax: WDSUTIL [Options] /Remove-Device {/Device:| /ID: } [/Server: ] [/Domain: ] [/Forest:{Yes | No}] /Device: The name (SAMAccountName) of the device. /ID: Specifies the ID of the computer, either a GUID, MAC address, or DUID associated with the computer. A GUID must be in one of the following formats: ACEFA3E81F20694E953EB2DAA1E8B1B6 E8A3EFAC-201F-4E69-953E-B2DAA1E8B1B6 {E8A3EFAC-201F-4E69-953E-B2DAA1E8B1B6} A MAC address must be in the format: 00B056882FDC (no dashes) or 00-B0-56-88-2F-DC (with dashes) A DUID of type DUID-LL, DUID-LLT or DUID-UUID may be specified in the same format as a MAC address: 00-03-00-01-00-01-02-03-04-05 A DUID-EN or unrecognized DUID type must be surrounded by square brackets: [ff-ff-00-01-02-03] [/Server: ] The name of the WDS server. This server will process the device management operations and return the results. [/Domain: ] Specifies which domain to search for the prestaged computer. [/Forest:{Yes | No}] Specifies whether to search the entire forest (Yes) or the local domain (No). If /Forest not supplied the search behavior is dictated by the active device controller. When WdsAdDc is the active device controller, only local domain will be searched. EXAMPLES: --------- WDSUTIL /Remove-Device /Device:Computer1 WDSUTIL /Remove-Device /Device:Computer1 /Server:WDSServer1 WDSUTIL /Verbose /Remove-Device /ID:"00-B0-56-88-2F-DC" /Domain:MyDomain WDSUTIL /Verbose /Remove-Device /ID:E8A3EFAC-201F-4E69-953-B2DAA1E8B1B6 /Forest:Yes
Description: Removes a driver package from a driver group on a WDS server. Syntax: WDSUTIL Options /Remove-DriverGroupPackage ...
Description: Removes a driver packages from a WDS server. Syntax: WDSUTIL Options /Remove-DriverPackage /Server: {/DriverPackage: ...
Description: Removes a filter rule from a driver group on a WDS server. Syntax: WDSUTIL Options /Remove-DriverGroupFilter ...
Description: Removes a multicast transmission. Unless you specify /Force, existing clients will complete the image transfer ...
Description: Removes a prestaged device. Syntax: WDSUTIL Options /Remove-Device {/Device: | /ID: } /Server: /Domain: /Forest:{Yes ...
Description: Removes an image from a server. Syntax: WDSUTIL Options /Remove-Image /Image: /Server: /ImageType:{Boot | Install} ...
Description: Removes an image group from a server. Syntax: WDSUTIL Options /Remove-ImageGroup /ImageGroup: /Server: /ImageGroup: ...
Description: Removes devices, images, image groups, driver packages, driver groups or driver group filters. Also used to ...
Description: Removes driver packages from a driver group on a WDS server. Syntax: WDSUTIL Options /Remove-DriverGroupPackages ...