The encoded address '{0}' does not have enough sections '{1}'. IPv4 and IPv6 sections are semicolon-delimited (;), and an encoded address must have 3-4 sections. To continue, specify the address again and retry.
The element indicates whether the client application displays the role's target entity fields and field folders when the ...
The element name "{0}" cannot be used as a DataTable TableName since it only differs from the TableName of another DataTable ...
The element that indicates the attributes that the client application should use to identify an instance of the entity to ...
The encoded address '{0}' contains too many sections '{1}'. Sections are semicolon-delimited (;), and an encoded address ...
The encoded address '{0}' does not have enough sections '{1}'. IPv4 and IPv6 sections are semicolon-delimited (;), and an ...
The encoded IPv4 address '{0}' does not have enough sections'{1}. IPv4 sections are type, address, network, and subnet mask, ...
The end of the data file was reached while reading header rows. Make sure the header row delimiter and the number of header ...
The endpoint "%1!s!" is a built-in endpoint and cannot be dropped. Use the protocol configuration utilities to ADD or DROP ...
The endpoint '%1!s!' has been established in metadata, but HTTP listening has not been enabled because HTTP support did not ...