RegNotifyChangeKeyValue failed with a return code of %1. Initialization will continue, but registry changes will not be updated until SNMP is stopped and restarted.
Registry Quota In Use is the percentage of the Total Registry Quota Allowed that is currently being used by the system. This ...
Registry Recovery} One of the files containing the system's Registry data had to be recovered by use of a log or alternate ...
Registry security settings Allows an administrator to define access permissions (on discretionary access control lists (DACLs)) ...
Registry This policy setting allows you to audit attempts to access registry objects. A security audit event is generated ...
RegNotifyChangeKeyValue failed with a return code of %1. Initialization will continue, but registry changes will not be updated ...
Regular expression matching operator - case insensitive. When the left operand is a collection, returns values from the collection ...
Regular expression matching operator - case insensitive. When the left operand is a collection, returns values from the collection ...
Regular expression matching operator - case sensitive. When the left operand is a collection, returns values from the collection ...
Regular expression matching operator - case sensitive. When the left operand is a collection, returns values from the collection ...