%1 (%2) %3Online defragmentation of database '%4' was interrupted and terminated. The next time online defragmentation is started on this database, it will resume from the point of interruption.
Online activation is currently unavailable in your country or region. You can activate your copy of Windows later using an ...
Online activation is currently unavailable in your country or region. You can activate your copy of Windows using an Internet ...
Online activation is currently unavailable in your country or region. You can activate your copy of Windows using an Internet ...
Online defragmentation of database '%4' terminated prematurely after encountering unexpected error %5. The next time online ...
Online defragmentation of database '%4' was interrupted and terminated. The next time online defragmentation is started on ...
Online registration and activation are currently unavailable in your country or region. To register your computer later without ...
Online registration and activation are currently unavailable in your country or region. To register your computer without ...
Online registration and activation are currently unavailable in your country or region. You can activate your copy of Windows ...
Online registration and activation are currently unavailable in your country or region. You can activate your copy of Windows ...