The call to QI for interface '%1$s' with IID '%2$s' failed with HRESULT 0x%3$s (%4$s). One likely reason this failed is that the object does not have a proxy/stub dll properly registered.
The call to EndCommit on the CommittableTransaction with id = '{0}' threw a TransactionException with the following message: ...
The call to method '%1!ls!' needs to be dynamically dispatched, but cannot be because it is part of a base access expression. ...
The call to OnGetExtension on the WorkflowInstance '{0}' threw an exception. This is considered fatal. See inner exception ...
The call to OnRequestAbort on the WorkflowInstance '{0}' threw an exception. This is considered fatal. See inner exception ...
The call to QI for interface '%1$s' with IID '%2$s' failed with HRESULT 3$s (%4$s). One likely reason this failed is that ...
The callback contract of contract {0} either does not exist or does not define any operations. If this is not a duplex contract, ...
The callback passed to operation '{0}' was called more than once. This indicates an internal error in the implementation ...
The CallerFilePathAttribute applied to parameter '%1!ls!' will have no effect because it applies to a member that is used ...
The CallerFilePathAttribute cannot be applied because there are no standard conversions from type '%1!ls!' to type '%2!ls!' ...