The media in the drive is different from the requested media. To continue, insert media labeled %1 into a DVD drive or other removable media device, and then enter [%3]. To exit, enter [%4]. [%3] Continue [%4] Exit %0
The MD5 algorithm is a well-known algorithm for computing a 128-bit checksum for any file or object. The likelihood of two ...
The media cannot be used because it is a part of the current backup. To continue, insert different media, and then enter ...
The media for this item resides on a network share that your device is not authorized to access. To resolve the problem, ...
The media in the drive does not have sufficient space to start a backup. Insert new media into drive %1. To continue, enter ...
The media in the drive is different from the requested media. To continue, insert media labeled %1 into a DVD drive or other ...
The media item is not shared to any user or device. Do you want to allow the device to access this item and other similar ...
The media library used by Windows Media Player is corrupted. This might affect your ability to browse and search for media ...
The media query -ms-view-state has been deprecated. -ms-view-state media queries may be altered or unavailable for releases ...
The media type cannot be removed from this library since at least one drive in the library reports it can support this media ...