Examples: To enable the Active Directory Domain Controllers CORPDC1 and CORPDC9 to become global catalog servers: dsmod server "cn=CORPDC1,cn=Servers,cn=site1,cn=sites,cn=configuration,dc=microsoft,dc=com" "cn=CORPDC9,cn=Servers,cn=site2,cn=sites,cn=configuration,dc=microsoft,dc=com" -isgc yes
Examples: To disable multiple computer accounts: dsmod computer CN=MemberServer1,CN=Computers,DC=microsoft,DC=com CN=Mem ...
Examples: To display all directory partitions in the forest that begin with "application", along with the top three directory ...
Examples: To display the account to which the quota is assigned and the quota limit for the quota specification "CN=quot ...
Examples: To display the description and phone numbers for contacts "Jon Smith" and "Jona Jones". dsget contact "CN=John ...
Examples: To enable the Active Directory Domain Controllers CORPDC1 and CORPDC9 to become global catalog servers: dsmod server ...
Examples: To find all Active Directory Domain Controllers for domain corp.microsoft.com and display their DNS host name and ...
Examples: To find all AD DCs in the current domain: dsquery server To find all AD DCs in the forest and display their Relative ...
Examples: To find all computers in a given OU whose name starts with "tst" and show their descriptions. dsquery computer ...
Examples: To find all computers in the current domain whose name starts with "ms" and whose description starts with "desktop", ...