Error trying to upgrade solution '{0}'. The Entity '{1}' namespace '{2}' has a significant version change and datalossAcceptable flag is not set.
Error reencrypting credential Id |0 with owner Id |1 during deploying of farm encryption key, please recreate credential ...
Error removing the following user account(s) "%1.400s!"; Account(s) created on another virtual server: "%2!.400s!"; Account(s) ...
Error reports are created when your system encounters hardware or software problems. Microsoft and its partners actively ...
Error setting password for user account "%1!.200s!". The password entered does not meet the configured Active Directory policy. ...
Error trying to upgrade solution '{0}'. The Entity '{1}' namespace '{2}' has a significant version change and datalossAcceptable ...
Error updating access control for the %1!.60s! Web: when modifying a Web so that it uses its own access control settings, ...
Error updating access control for the %1!.60s! Web: you cannot change the realm name for a Web that inherits its access control ...
Error updating access control: unable to update the access control settings for the following Webs that inherit their settings ...
Error updating the list of permitted IP addresses: you cannot remove the last administrator-level IP address because it would ...