Object '{0}' cannot be the scope for overrides. The scope for overrides can be any refreshable object - Model, Table or Partition.
Now that you've installed the Gateway, you'll need to configure some settings. Click Launch to start the Power BI Personal ...
Now you access your content by choosing the workspace in the left navigation, and then browsing the content view. Use filters ...
Now you can use Power Query with Power BI for Office 365 to discover corporate data and to share queries with others. To ...
Number of shrink notifications the server issued in the last second. Indicates how often the server believes it is under ...
Object '{0}' cannot be the scope for overrides. The scope for overrides can be any refreshable object - Model, Table or Partition. ...
Object specified in a client request is not an aggregation design object. Only aggregation design objects are allowed for ...
OData: The URL '{0}' points to a(n) {1} but doesn't contain a base service URL, therefore it cannot be consumed. Please retry ...
On premises Analysis Services databases in DirectQuery mode aren't currently supported for Analyze in Excel. Please use a ...
Once you disable featured dashboard it will not be visible until the next time you set a dashboard as featured dashboard. ...