Validation of one or more log providers failed. The package cannot execute. The package does not execute when a log provider fails validation.
Using Reduce with the specified tolerance will yield an instance that is not valid. Using a smaller tolerance may achieve ...
Using the same random seed on the same input data always generates the same sample. Specifying random seed is recommended ...
Using the static lock allocation specified in the locks configuration option. Allocated %1!s! Lock blocks and %2!s! Lock ...
U[ser user_name Optional. Allows the retrieval of a package that is protected by SQL Server Authentication. You use this ...
Validation of one or more log providers failed. The package cannot execute. The package does not execute when a log provider ...
Validation will occur the next time the Distribution Agents run. The results will be available in Replication Monitor. Note ...
VALIDMEASURE=1= Tuple =Returns a value computed at the granularity of the measure group without unrelated dimensions and/or ...
Value for the feature set option should be between 0 and 3. To combine feature sets append the option values delimited by ...
Value of property {0} is not in a committed state. Configuration value = {1}, Run value = {2}. Before policies can evaluate ...