A File Server Resource Manager Service FSRM email action could not be run because the specified TO or FROM address is invalid. Use the FSRM management console to add valid TO and FROM e-mail addresses to the quota, screening or file management configuration. %1
A File Server Resource Manager Service command line action specifies an insecure path because it gives write access to '%1' ...
A File Server Resource Manager Service command line action was not run because command line actions are disabled on this ...
A File Server Resource Manager Service command line action was not run because the last person who saved it is no longer ...
A File Server Resource Manager Service email action could not be run because there is no SMTP server set. Use the FSRM management ...
A File Server Resource Manager Service FSRM email action could not be run because the specified TO or FROM address is invalid. ...
A File Share resource cannot be migrated because of a missing Network Name dependency. To migrate this resource, make it ...
A File Share resource cannot be migrated because of a missing Physical Disk dependency. To migrate this resource, make it ...
A file system error occurred while opening or writing to the system message log file %1. Message logging has been switched ...
A file that is encrypted on the source server or a file that is opened on the source server through a shared folder that ...